Polska wersja językowa Polska wersja językowa

Group of People Holding Recycling Sign ConceptUse Waste is a Polish company, represented by a group of specialists from different fields. We are chemists, inventors, economists and entrepreneurs united by a common passion for a clean environment and ideas aiming at protecting our planet.

Our solutions are unique and come as a result of knowledge and years of research combined with experience in various fields. We conduct research in recycling technologies for various difficult wastes, that up to now could only have been landfilled or incinerated. Moreover, we analyse the possibility of using our technologies on an industrial scale, considering their cost-effectiveness and impact on the environment.

Our continuous collaboration with scientists from various scientific institutions, allows us to conduct in-depth analyses and draw conclusions from the performed tests. In such a manner, we solve the problems employing the combined knowledge of various specialist, and all because :





Our mission

The mission of our company is expressed in its name - Use Waste, i.e. let's use waste as a raw material.
We are convinced that one of the most important human missions is not only caring for the environment, but also saving resources - what is waste for some is a very valuable raw material for us. By using it and processing it into other goods, we not only save our environment, but also ensure that future generations can use the Earth's resources.

Board of directors


dyrektorzy removebg
From the left: Robert Kukułowicz, Adam Hańderek, Piotr Krupa
Together, We are changing the world and the environment.
Why us?
Multidisciplinary team
Cooperation with research and academic institutions
Examples of solutions
Stosujemy innowacyjne metody recyclingu EN
Realne rozwiązania
dedykowane konkretnym odpadom EN